Generalsekretærerne i de nordiske og baltiske økumeniske råd har skrevet et brev til kirkeledere i Jerusalem og til Det Mellemøstlige Kirkeråd. I brevet udtrykker de den dybeste medfølelse og skriver bl.a.: "Vi har hørt jeres smerte, og I skal vide, at I ikke er alene."
I slutningen af januar var medarbejdere fra de økumeniske og mellemkirkelige råd i de nordiske og baltiske lande samlet på Island. I den forbindelse skrev generalsekretærerne i de økumeniske råd et brev, som på vegne af de økumeniske råd i Norden og Baltikum udtrykker den største sympati med Jerusalems kirkeledere, Det Mellemøstlige Kirkeråd, deres respektive kirker og palæstinenserne midt i den nuværende situation i Gaza og Palæstina.
vi beder for en øjeblikkelig våbenhvile og for ubegrænset adgang for humanitær hjælp til Gaza. Vi løfter vores stemmer i vores kirker for alle ofrene for volden og beder for krigens afslutning og for en retfærdig og bæredygtig fred
Generalsekretærerne i de nordiske og baltiske kirkeråd
Læs brevet i sin fulde længde på engelsk nedenfor. Læs desuden om Folkekirken mellemkirkelige Råds støtte til de lutherske kristne i Palæstina her.
To Church leaders in Jerusalem and/or Middle East Council of Churches
Esteemed Church leaders in Jerusalem,
Warm greetings from the Nordic and Baltic ecumenical family. Recently our leadership and representatives were gathered in Reykjavik, Iceland. On behalf of our Ecumenical Councils we wish to express our deepest sympathies, to you, your Churches, and the Palestinian people amidst the current situation in Gaza and in Palestine. We have heard your pain. Please know that you are not alone.
The recent months we have witnessed a brutal war and the killing of innocent lives in Gaza, causing immeasurable suffering. We were also shocked by the terror attacks by Hamas on October 7th, that have left people traumatized also in Israel.
We are deeply concerned about the situation, first and foremost for the well-being of all civilians, especially the traumatized children, living in fear for their lives and for their loved ones.
In light of these circumstances, we wish to convey our heartfelt condolences and sympathy to the victims and their families. We pray for an immediate cease-fire and the unrestricted access for humanitarian aid to Gaza. We lift our voices in prayer in our Churches for all victims of the violence, and pray for an end to the war, and the establishment of a just and sustainable peace
The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
Psalms 145:18
Your sisters and brothers in Christ,
Erhard Hermansen, Secretary General of the Christian Council of Norway
Sofia Camnerin, Secretary General of the Christian Council of Sweden
Emil Hilton Saggau, Secretary General of the National Council of Churches in Denmark
Vilver Oras, Secretary General of the Estonian Council of Churches
Mayvor Wärn-Rancken, Secretary General of the Ecumenical Council of Finland
Magnea Sverrisdóttir, Ecumenical Officer, The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland
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