National Council of Churches in Denmark
National Council of Churches in Denmark
The National Council of Churches of Denmark (NCCD) is a national council of churches and church related organisations in Denmark. In the NCCD, leaders from many different Christian denominations, congregations, and organisations in Denmark come together for dialogue and co-operation.

Each church and organisation, with its separate identity, experience, and priorities, participates in a joint quest for Christian unity. The NCCD gives the churches and organisations the opportunity to build up relationships, share experiences, and discuss diakonia, mission, and theology. The NCCD is a resource for the churches and the church organisations while simultaneously; the churches are supported to be a resource for each other. It also gives the possibility for the churches and organisations to comment with a mutual voice.
The NCCD has a dual structure with 15 denominations in the Council and 40 church related organizations in the Ecumenical Forum. The NCCD is the broadest and biggest ecumenical organisation in Denmark.
See members of the Council here
See members of the Ecumenical Forum here
See the structure of the NCCD
Rådet: The Council
Forretningsudvalget: The Executive Committee
Sekretariatet: The Secretariat
Økumenisk Forum: Ecumenical Forum
Stående udvalg: Permanent Committee
Danske Kirkedage: The Danish Kirchentag
Styrelsen: Steering committe of the Danish Kirchentag
Frikirkeforum: Free Churches Forum
The NCCD has a number of committees handling the prioritised field of work. The field of work is defined at the enactment of the work plan every third year. The work is done by the members of the groups. The work and statements of the groups do not represent the National Council of Churches in Denmark as a unit, but only the churches and organisations participating in the respective work.
Frihed og lige vilkår: Freedom and Equal Rights
Økumenisk dialog og dannelse: Ecumenical Dialogue and Formation
Grøn Kirke: Climate and environmental issues “Greening the Churches”
Danske Kirkedage: Danish Kirchentag
National and International Representation
The NCCD is an important participant in the Danish church life and is clearly represented in different church contexts internationally and nationally.
The NCCD is the broadest ecumenical network in Denmark. Thus, the NCCD is an important participant in the Danish church life and is concretely represented in different church contexts internationally and nationally.
The World Council of Churches – WCC
The NCCD is an associated member of the World Council of Churches (WCC). The General Secretary of the NCCD is a member of the working group of the Council on International Relations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark concerning the WCC.
This working group is actively taking part in issues related to the WCC. Furthermore, it is the working group’s responsibility to communicate mutual information, ideas, and initiatives among the Danish membership churches and the WCC. The working group serves as a national network for Danish representatives in the WCC’s Central Committee, commissions, and working groups.
For more information

The Conference of European Churches – CEC
The NCCD is an associated member of the Conference of European Churches (CEC). The General Secretary of the NCCD is a member of the working group of the Council on International Relations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark concerning European churches.
This working group is actively taking part in issues related to CEC, the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe, and the Porvoo Communion. Furthermore, it is the working group’s responsibility to communicate information, ideas, and initiatives mutual among the Danish membership churches and the CEC and the additional communities. The working group serves as a national network for Danish representatives in the CEC’s Central Committee, commissions, and working groups as well as in the additional communities.
For more information
The Co-operation among the European Council of Churches – ENCC
The secretariat for the NCCD is represented at annual meetings with the other Secretariats of the Council of Churches in Europe. The meetings are held at a different location in Europe each year. They have the purpose of discussing present challenges, initiatives, and projects related to the ecumenical work in different national contexts. The meetings function as an inspiration for co-operation across borders and to new national initiatives with the inspiration from other countries in Europe.
The Co-operation with the Nordic-Baltic Council of Churches
The Secretariat for the NCCD is represented at annual meetings with the other Secretariats of the Council of Churches in the Nordic-Baltic countries. The meetings are held at a different location in Europe each year. They have the purpose of discussing present challenges, initiatives, and projects towards the ecumenical work in different national contexts. The meetings function as an inspiration towards co-operation across borders and to new national initiatives with the inspiration from other countries in countries in Nordic-Baltic countries.
Christianity, Culture, and Communication (3K/3C)
The NCCD is represented in the education committee of the professional bachelor’s degree 3K/3C. The Council chooses a delegate. The education can be taken at the Diakonhøjskolen (Deaconal Folk High School) in Aarhus and at Diakonissestiftelsen in Copenhagen, and the purpose is to educate employees for churches and church organisations. The education is addressed to people from all denominations. The purpose of the education committee is to advise the headmaster and the executive board in matters like the profile, quality, and relevance of the education.
For more information on the education
Denmark’s Church Media Centre (DKM)
The NCCD is represented in Denmark’s Church Media Centre (DKM). The Council chooses a delegate.
DKM is a member of Ecumenical Forum. It develops and runs church communication within the borders and offers possibilities for new media. DKM works with production and development of communication and conducts seminars and conferences concerning communication. DKM produces the homepages of the NCCD; furthermore, it produced a number of materials for “Green Church”.
Christian-Muslim Conversation Forum (KMS)
The NCCD is represented in the Christian-Muslim Conversation Forum. The KMS is a network for Christian and Muslim leaders, which originated in a line of annual conferences beginning in 2006. The purpose of the KMS is to promote mutual religious conversation and to cherish the development of the Danish society as a democratic and inclusive society.
For more information
The NCCD chooses three members from the Council for DanChurchAid (DCA). These should be members of the free churches or The Roman Catholic Church.. The Council is DanChurchAid’s highest authority.
DCA has the purpose of helping the world’s poorest and strengthen their opportunity to obtain a worthy life. FKN works with disaster assistance and development aid. DCA has its roots in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark, but co-operates broadly with other church and folksy organisations.
For more information on DanChurchAid
Moreover, the National Council of Churches in Denmark is represented in a row of correlations through secretariats or representatives at national or international conferences, services, and other events.