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You are hereby invited to the 10th meeting of the Danish Forum for Freedom of Religion or Belief.

At this meeting, Mr. Minh Ny from the Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN) in Cambodia will present concrete exmples of how the network’s members work intersectionally with freedom of religion or belief in their projects on deforestation and FoRB violations. The meeting will provide an opportunity for dialogue and exchange of ideas among participants on freedom of religion or belief and its relation to indigenous peoples’ rights, climate change and environmental protection.

Time and location
Tuesday 28 May from 14:00-16:00 at The Danish Institute for Human Rights, Wilders Plads 8K, 1403 Copenhagen K, Nordskov meeting room (possibility for online participation)

Exploring intersectionalities between the right to freedom of religion or belief (FoRB), indigenous peoples’ rights, climate change and
environmental protection.

To register for the meeting in the Danish Forum for Religion or Belief, please follow the link below and sign up for the event through The Danish Institute for Human Rights: The 10th meeting of the Danish Forum for Freedom of Religion or Belief | The Danish Institute for Human Rights


  • Welcome and introduction
    Karen Grønlund Rogne, Special Representative for Freedom of Religion or Beief
  • Deforestation and FoRB violations: Presentation and discussion of PLCN projects in Cambodia
    A conversation between Minh Ny, Advisor, Prey Lang Community Network, and Martin Rosenkilde Pedersen, Programme Director, Danmission
  • Short remarks
    Ahmed Shaheed, Deputy Director of Essex Human Rights Centre and former UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief (TBC)
    Frank Schwabe, Federal Government Commissioner for Freedom of Religion or Belief, Germany (TBC)
    Ernst Jürgensen, Senior Advisor, Danmission
  • Plenary discussions and closing remarks

The event will be moderated by Julie Koch, Secretary General of Danmission.


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